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The TimescaleDB Toolkit

The TimescaleDB Toolkit is an extension brought by Timescale for more hyperfunctions, fully compatible with TimescaleDB and PostgreSQL.

They have almost no dependecy of hypertables but they play very well in the hypertables ecosystem. The mission of the toolkit team is to ease all things analytics when using TimescaleDB, with a particular focus on developer ergonomics and performance.

Here, we're going to have a small walkthrough in some of the toolkit functions and the helpers that can make simplify the generation of some complex queries.


Note that we're just starting the toolkit integration in the gem and several functions are still experimental.

The add_toolkit_to_search_path! helper

Several functions on the toolkit are still in experimental phase, and for that reason they're not in the public schema, but lives in the toolkit_experimental schema.

To use them without worring about the schema or prefixing it in all the cases, you can introduce the schema as part of the search_path.

To make it easy in the Ruby side, you can call the method directly from the ActiveRecord connection:


This statement is actually adding the toolkit_experimental to the search path aside of the public and the $user variable path.

The statement can be placed right before your usage of the toolkit. For example, if a single controller in your Rails app will be using it, you can create a filter in the controller to set up it before the use of your action.

class StatisticsController < ActionController::Base
  before_action :add_timescale_toolkit, only: [:complex_query]

  def complex_query
    # some code that uses the toolkit functions

  def add_timescale_toolkit

Example from scratch to use the Toolkit functions

Let's start by working on some example about the volatility algorithm. This example is inspired in the function pipelines blog post, which brings an example about how to calculate volatility and then apply the function pipelines to make the same with the toolkit.


Reading the blog post before trying this is highly recommended, and will give you more insights on how to apply and use time vectors that is our next topic.

Let's start by creating the measurements hypertable using a regular migration:

class CreateMeasurements < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    hypertable_options = {
      time_column: 'ts',
      chunk_time_interval: '1 day',
    create_table :measurements, hypertable: hypertable_options, id: false do |t|
      t.integer :device_id
      t.decimal :val
      t.timestamp :ts

In this example, we just have a hypertable with no compression options. Every 1 day a new child table aka chunk will be generated. No compression options for now.

Now, let's add the model app/models/measurement.rb:

class Measurement < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = nil

  acts_as_hypertable time_column: "ts"

At this moment, you can jump into the Rails console and start testing the model.

Seeding some data

Before we build a very complex example, let's build something that is easy to follow and comprehend. Let's create 3 records for the same device, representing a hourly measurement of some sensor.

yesterday =
[1,2,3].each_with_index do |v,i|
  Measurement.create(device_id: 1, ts: yesterday + i.hour, val: v)

Every value is a progression from 1 to 3. Now, we can build a query to get the values and let's build the example using plain Ruby.

values = Measurement.order(:ts).pluck(:val) # => [1,2,3]

Using plain Ruby, we can build this example with a few lines of code:

previous = nil
volatilities = do |value|
  if previous
    delta = (value - previous).abs
    volatility = delta
  previous = value
# volatilities => [nil, 1, 1]
volatility = volatilities.compact.sum # => 2
Compact can be skipped and we can also build the sum in the same loop. So, a refactored version would be:

previous = nil
volatility = 0
values.each do |value|
  if previous
    delta = (value - previous).abs
    volatility += delta
  previous = value
volatility # => 2

Now, it's time to move it to a database level calculating the volatility using plain postgresql. A subquery is required to build the calculated delta, so it seems a bit more confusing:

delta ="device_id, abs(val - lag(val) OVER (PARTITION BY device_id ORDER BY ts)) as abs_delta")
  .select("device_id, sum(abs_delta) as volatility")
  .from("(#{delta.to_sql}) as calc_delta")

The final query for the example above looks like this:

SELECT device_id, SUM(abs_delta) AS volatility
  SELECT device_id,
      val - LAG(val) OVER (
        PARTITION BY device_id ORDER BY ts)
      ) AS abs_delta
  FROM "measurements"
) AS calc_delta
GROUP BY device_id

It's much harder to understand the actual example then go with plain SQL and now let's reproduce the same example using the toolkit pipelines:

    timevector(ts, val)
      -> sort()
      -> delta()
      -> abs()
      -> sum() as volatility

As you can see, it's much easier to read and digest the example. Now, let's take a look in how we can generate the queries using the scopes injected by the acts_as_time_vector macro.

Adding the acts_as_time_vector macro

Let's start changing the model to add the acts_as_time_vector that is here to allow us to not repeat the parameters of the timevector(ts, val) call.

class Measurement < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = nil

  acts_as_hypertable time_column: "ts"

  acts_as_time_vector segment_by: "device_id",
    value_column: "val",
    time_column: "ts"

If you skip the time_column option in the acts_as_time_vector it will inherit the same value from the acts_as_hypertable. I'm making it explicit here for the sake of making the macros independent.

Now, that we have it, let's create a scope for it:

class Measurement < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_hypertable time_column: "ts"
  acts_as_time_vector segment_by: "device_id",
    value_column: "val",
    time_column: "ts"

  scope :volatility, -> do
      timevector(#{time_column}, #{value_column})
        -> sort()
        -> delta()
        -> abs()
        -> sum() as volatility

Now, we have created the volatility scope, grouping by device_id always.

In the Toolkit helpers, we have a similar version which also contains a default segmentation based in the segment_by configuration done through the acts_as_time_vector macro. A method segment_by_column is added to access this configuration, so we can make a small change that makes you completely understand the volatility macro.

class Measurement < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ... Skipping previous code to focus in the example

  acts_as_time_vector segment_by: "device_id",
    value_column: "val",
    time_column: "ts"

  scope :volatility, -> (columns=segment_by_column) do
    _scope = select([*columns,
           -> sort()
           -> delta()
           -> abs()
           -> sum() as volatility"
    ].join(", "))
    _scope = if columns

Testing the method:
# DEBUG -- : Measurement Load (1.6ms)  SELECT device_id, timevector(ts, val) -> sort() -> delta() -> abs() -> sum() as volatility FROM "measurements" GROUP BY "measurements"."device_id"
# => [{"device_id"=>1, "volatility"=>8.0}]

Let's add a few more records with random values:

yesterday =
(2..6).each do |d|
  (1..10).each do |j|
    Measurement.create(device_id: d, ts: yesterday + j.hour, val: rand(10))

Testing all the values:

 # DEBUG -- : Measurement Load (1.3ms)  SELECT device_id, timevector(ts, val) -> sort() -> delta() -> abs() -> sum() as volatility FROM "measurements" GROUP BY "measurements"."device_id" ORDER BY device_id
=> [{"device_id"=>1, "volatility"=>8.0},
 {"device_id"=>2, "volatility"=>24.0},
 {"device_id"=>3, "volatility"=>30.0},
 {"device_id"=>4, "volatility"=>32.0},
 {"device_id"=>5, "volatility"=>44.0},
 {"device_id"=>6, "volatility"=>23.0}]

If the parameter is explicit nil it will not group by:

# DEBUG -- : Measurement Load (5.4ms)  SELECT timevector(ts, val) -> sort() -> delta() -> abs() -> sum() as volatility FROM "measurements"
# => [{"volatility"=>186.0, "device_id"=>nil}]

Comparing with Ruby version

Now, it's time to benchmark and compare Ruby vs PostgreSQL solutions, verifying which is faster:

class Measurement < ActiveRecord::Base
  # code you already know
  scope :volatility_by_device_id, -> {
    volatility =
    previous =
    find_all do |measurement|
      device_id = measurement.device_id
      if previous[device_id]
        delta = (measurement.val - previous[device_id]).abs
        volatility[device_id] += delta
      previous[device_id] = measurement.val

Now, benchmarking the real time to compute it on Ruby in milliseconds.

Benchmark.measure { Measurement.volatility_by_device_id }.real * 1000
# => 3.021999917924404

Seeding massive data

Now, let's use generate_series to fast insert a lot of records directly into the database and make it full of records.

Let's just agree on some numbers to have a good start. Let's generate data for 5 devices emitting values every 5 minutes, which will generate around 50k records.

Let's use some plain SQL to insert the records now:

sql = "INSERT INTO measurements (ts, device_id, val)
SELECT ts, device_id, random()*80
FROM generate_series(TIMESTAMP '2022-01-01 00:00:00',
                   TIMESTAMP '2022-02-01 00:00:00',
             INTERVAL '5 minutes') AS g1(ts),
      generate_series(0, 5) AS g2(device_id);

In my MacOS M1 processor it took less than a second to insert the 53k records:

# DEBUG (177.5ms)  INSERT INTO measurements (ts, device_id, val) ..
# => #<PG::Result:0x00007f8152034168 status=PGRES_COMMAND_OK ntuples=0 nfields=0 cmd_tuples=53574>

Now, let's measure compare the time to process the volatility: do |x|"ruby")  { pp Measurement.volatility_by_device_id }"sql") { pp Measurement.volatility("device_id").map(&:attributes) }
#           user     system      total        real
# ruby    0.612439   0.061890   0.674329 (  0.727590)
# sql     0.001142   0.000301   0.001443 (  0.060301)

Calculating the performance ratio we can see 0.72 / 0.06 means that SQL is 12 times faster than Ruby to process volatility 🎉

Just considering it was localhost, we don't have the internet to pass all the records over the wires. Now, moving to a remote host look the numbers:


Note that the previous numbers where using localhost. Now, using a remote connection between different regions, it looks even ~500 times slower than SQL.

        user     system      total        real
ruby 0.716321   0.041640   0.757961 (  6.388881)
sql  0.001156   0.000177   0.001333 (  0.161270)

Let’s recap what’s time consuming here. The find_all is just not optimized to fetch the data and also consuming most of the time here. It’s also fetching the data and converting it to ActiveRecord model which has thousands of methods.

It’s very comfortable but just need the attributes to make it.

Let’s optimize it by plucking an array of values grouped by device.

class Measurement < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ...
  scope :values_from_devices, -> {
    ordered_values = select(:val, :device_id).order(:ts)
      .pluck("device_id, array_agg(val)")

Now, let's create a method for processing volatility.

class Volatility
  def self.process(values)
    previous = nil
    deltas = do |value|
      if previous
        delta = (value - previous).abs
        volatility = delta
      previous = value
    #deltas => [nil, 1, 1]
    volatility = deltas.sum
  def self.process_values(map)

Now, let's change the benchmark to expose the time for fetching and processing:

volatilities = nil

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil do |x|"ruby")  { Measurement.volatility_ruby }"sql") {  }"fetch") { volatilities =  Measurement.values_from_devices }"process") { Volatility.process_values(volatilities) }

Checking the results:

      user     system      total        real
ruby  0.683654   0.036558   0.720212 (  0.743942)
sql  0.000876   0.000096   0.000972 (  0.054234)
fetch  0.078045   0.003221   0.081266 (  0.116693)
process  0.067643   0.006473   0.074116 (  0.074122)

Much better, now we can see only 200ms difference between real time which means ~36% more.

If we try to break down a bit more of the SQL part, we can see that the

  SELECT device_id, array_agg(val)
  FROM (
    SELECT val, device_id
    FROM measurements
  ) subquery
  GROUP BY device_id;

We can check the execution time and make it clear how much time is necessary just for the processing part, isolating network and the ActiveRecord layer.

│ Planning Time: 17.761 ms                                                                                                                                                                     │
│ Execution Time: 36.302 ms

So, it means that from the 116ms to fetch the data, only 54ms was used from the DB and the remaining 62ms was consumed by network + ORM.