= load_dotenv(find_dotenv(), override=True)
_ = os.environ['TIMESCALE_SERVICE_URL'] service_url
uuid_from_time (time_arg=None, node=None, clock_seq=None)
Converts a datetime or timestamp to a type 1 uuid.UUID
Type | Default | Details | |
time_arg | NoneType | None | The time to use for the timestamp portion of the UUID. This can either be a datetime object or a timestamp in seconds(as returned from time.time() ). |
node | NoneType | None | Bytes for the UUID (up to 48 bits). If not specified, this field is randomized. |
clock_seq | NoneType | None | Clock sequence field for the UUID (up to 14 bits). If not specified, a random sequence is generated. |
Returns | uuid.UUID: For the given time, node, and clock sequence |
Index Definitions
DiskAnnIndex (search_list_size:Optional[int]=None, num_neighbors:Optional[int]=None, max_alpha:Optional[float]=None, storage_layout:Optional[str]=None, num_dimensions:Optional[int]=None, num_bits_per_dimension:Optional[int]=None)
Timescale’s vector index.
HNSWIndex (m:Optional[int]=None, ef_construction:Optional[int]=None)
Pgvector’s hnsw index.
IvfflatIndex (num_records:Optional[int]=None, num_lists:Optional[int]=None)
Pgvector’s ivfflat index.
BaseIndex ()
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Query Params
HNSWIndexParams (ef_search:int)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
IvfflatIndexParams (probes:int)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
DiskAnnIndexParams (search_list_size:Optional[int]=None, rescore:Optional[int]=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
QueryParams (params:dict[str,typing.Any])
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Query Builder
UUIDTimeRange (start_date:Union[datetime.datetime,str,NoneType]=None, end_date:Union[datetime.datetime,str,NoneType]=None, time_delta:Optional[datetime.timedelta]=None, start_inclusive=True, end_inclusive=False)
*A UUIDTimeRange is a time range predicate on the UUID Version 1 timestamps.
Note that naive datetime objects are interpreted as local time on the python client side and converted to UTC before being sent to the database.*
Predicates (*clauses:Union[ForwardRef('Predicates'),Tuple[str,Union[str,i nt,float,datetime.datetime,list,tuple]],Tuple[str,str,Union[s tr,int,float,datetime.datetime,list,tuple]],str,int,float,dat etime.datetime,list,tuple], operator:str='AND')
Predicates class defines predicates on the object metadata. Predicates can be combined using logical operators (&, |, and ~).
Type | Default | Details | |
clauses | Union | Predicate clauses. Can be either another Predicates object or a tuple of the form (field, operator, value) or (field, value). | |
operator | str | AND |
QueryBuilder (table_name:str, num_dimensions:int, distance_type:str, id_type:str, time_partition_interval:Optional[datetime.timedelta], infer_filters:bool, schema_name:Optional[str])
Initializes a base Vector object to generate queries for vector clients.
Type | Details | |
table_name | str | The name of the table. |
num_dimensions | int | The number of dimensions for the embedding vector. |
distance_type | str | The distance type for indexing. |
id_type | str | The type of the id column. Can be either ‘UUID’ or ‘TEXT’. |
time_partition_interval | Optional | The time interval for partitioning the table (optional). |
infer_filters | bool | Whether to infer start and end times from the special __start_date and __end_date filters. |
schema_name | Optional | The schema name for the table (optional, uses the database’s default schema if not specified). |
Returns | None |
QueryBuilder.get_create_query ()
Generates a query to create the tables, indexes, and extensions needed to store the vector data.
Async Client
Async (service_url:str, table_name:str, num_dimensions:int, distance_type:str='cosine', id_type='UUID', time_partition_interval:Optional[datetime.timedelta]=None, max_db_connections:Optional[int]=None, infer_filters:bool=True, schema_name:Optional[str]=None)
Initializes a async client for storing vector data.
Type | Default | Details | |
service_url | str | The connection string for the database. | |
table_name | str | The name of the table. | |
num_dimensions | int | The number of dimensions for the embedding vector. | |
distance_type | str | cosine | The distance type for indexing. |
id_type | str | UUID | The type of the id column. Can be either ‘UUID’ or ‘TEXT’. |
time_partition_interval | Optional | None | The time interval for partitioning the table (optional). |
max_db_connections | Optional | None | |
infer_filters | bool | True | Whether to infer start and end times from the special __start_date and __end_date filters. |
schema_name | Optional | None | The schema name for the table (optional, uses the database’s default schema if not specified). |
Returns | None |
Async.create_tables ()
Creates necessary tables.
Async.create_tables ()
Creates necessary tables.
Async.search (query_embedding:Optional[List[float]]=None, limit:int=10, filter:Union[Dict[str,str],List[Dict[str,str]],NoneType]=No ne, predicates:Optional[__main__.Predicates]=None, uuid_time_filter:Optional[__main__.UUIDTimeRange]=None, query_params:Optional[__main__.QueryParams]=None)
Retrieves similar records using a similarity query.
Type | Default | Details | |
query_embedding | Optional | None | The query embedding vector. |
limit | int | 10 | The number of nearest neighbors to retrieve. |
filter | Union | None | A filter for metadata. Should be specified as a key-value object or a list of key-value objects (where any objects in the list are matched). |
predicates | Optional | None | A Predicates object to filter the results. Predicates support more complex queries than the filter parameter. Predicates can be combined using logical operators (&, |, and ~). |
uuid_time_filter | Optional | None | A UUIDTimeRange object to filter the results by time using the id column. |
query_params | Optional | None | |
Returns | List: List of similar records. |
Usage Example
for schema in ["tschema", None]:
= Async(service_url, "data_table", 2, schema_name=schema)
vec await vec.create_tables()
= await vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert empty
await vec.upsert([(uuid.uuid4(), {"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])])
= await vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert not empty
await vec.upsert([
'''{"key":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.3]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key":"val2", "key_10": "10", "key_11": "11.3"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.4]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.5]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.6]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.6]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val2"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.7]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.9]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 100.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 101.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key_1":"val_1", "key_2":"val_2"}''',
(uuid.uuid4(), "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
'''{"key0": [1,2,3,4]}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key0": [8,9,"A"]}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]), # mixed types
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key0": [5,6,7], "key3": 3}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key0": ["B", "C"]}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
await vec.create_embedding_index(IvfflatIndex())
await vec.drop_embedding_index()
await vec.create_embedding_index(IvfflatIndex(100))
await vec.drop_embedding_index()
await vec.create_embedding_index(HNSWIndex())
await vec.drop_embedding_index()
await vec.create_embedding_index(HNSWIndex(20, 125))
await vec.drop_embedding_index()
await vec.create_embedding_index(DiskAnnIndex())
await vec.drop_embedding_index()
await vec.create_embedding_index(DiskAnnIndex(50, 50, 1.5, "memory_optimized", 2, 1))
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0])
rec assert len(rec) == 10
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4)
rec assert len(rec) == 4
= await vec.search(limit=4)
rec assert len(rec) == 4
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter={"key2": "val2"})
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter={"key2": "does not exist"})
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter={"key_1": "val_1"})
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], filter={"key_1": "val_1", "key_2": "val_2"})
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter={"key_1": "val_1", "key_2": "val_3"})
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search(limit=4, filter={"key_1": "val_1", "key_2": "val_3"})
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 2
= await vec.search(limit=4, filter=[{"key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 2
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}, {"no such key": "no such val"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 2
assert isinstance(rec[0][SEARCH_RESULT_METADATA_IDX], dict)
assert isinstance(rec[0]["metadata"], dict)
assert rec[0]["contents"] == "the brown fox"
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(("key", "val2")))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(("key", "==", "val2")))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key", "==", "val2"))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_10", "<", 100))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_10", "<", 10))
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_10", "<=", 10))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_10", "<=", 10.0))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_11", "<=", 11.3))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search(limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_11", ">=", 11.29999))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_11", "<", 11.299999))
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", [1, 2]))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", [3, 7]))
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", [42]))
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", [4]))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", [9, "A"]))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", ["A"]))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", ("C", "B")))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(*[("key", "val2"), ("key_10", "<", 100)]))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(("key", "val2"), ("key_10", "<", 100), operator='AND'))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(("key", "val2"), ("key_2", "val_2"), operator='OR'))
rec assert len(rec) == 2
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_10", "<", 100) & (Predicates("key","==", "val2",) | Predicates("key_2", "==", "val_2")))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key_10", "<", 100) and (Predicates("key","==", "val2") or Predicates("key_2","==", "val_2")))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", [6,7]) and Predicates("key3","==", 3))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key0", "@>", [6,7]) and Predicates("key3","==", 6))
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search(limit=4, predicates=~Predicates(("key", "val2"), ("key_10", "<", 100)))
rec assert len(rec) == 4
= False
raised try:
# can't upsert using both keys and dictionaries
await vec.upsert([
"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2]),
(uuid.uuid4(), {'''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])
])except ValueError as e:
= True
raised assert raised
= False
raised try:
# can't upsert using both keys and dictionaries opposite order
await vec.upsert([
'''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2]),
(uuid.uuid4(), "key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])
(uuid.uuid4(), {
])except BaseException as e:
= True
raised assert raised
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 2
await vec.delete_by_ids([rec[0]["id"]])
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 1
await vec.delete_by_metadata([{"key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key2": "val"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 4
await vec.delete_by_metadata([{"key2": "val"}])
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key2": "val"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 0
assert not await vec.table_is_empty()
await vec.delete_all()
assert await vec.table_is_empty()
await vec.drop_table()
await vec.close()
= Async(service_url, "data_table", 2, id_type="TEXT")
vec await vec.create_tables()
= await vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert empty
await vec.upsert([("Not a valid UUID", {"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])])
= await vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert not empty
await vec.delete_by_ids(["Not a valid UUID"])
= await vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert empty
await vec.drop_table()
await vec.close()
= Async(service_url, "data_table", 2, time_partition_interval=timedelta(seconds=60))
vec await vec.create_tables()
= await vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert empty
id = uuid.uuid1()
await vec.upsert([(id, {"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])])
= await vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert not empty
await vec.delete_by_ids([id])
= await vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert empty
= False
raised try:
# can't upsert with uuid type 4 in time partitioned table
await vec.upsert([
"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])
(uuid.uuid4(), {
])except BaseException as e:
= True
raised assert raised
= datetime(2018, 8, 10, 15, 30, 0)
specific_datetime await vec.upsert([
# current time
"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2]),
(uuid.uuid1(), {#time in 2018
"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])
(uuid_from_time(specific_datetime), {
])assert not await vec.table_is_empty()
#check all the possible ways to specify a date range
async def search_date(start_date, end_date, expected):
#using uuid_time_filter
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(start_date, end_date))
rec assert len(rec) == expected
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(str(start_date), str(end_date)))
rec assert len(rec) == expected
#using filters
filter = {}
if start_date is not None:
filter["__start_date"] = start_date
if end_date is not None:
filter["__end_date"] = end_date
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=filter)
rec assert len(rec) == expected
#using filters with string dates
filter = {}
if start_date is not None:
filter["__start_date"] = str(start_date)
if end_date is not None:
filter["__end_date"] = str(end_date)
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=filter)
rec assert len(rec) == expected
#using predicates
= []
predicates if start_date is not None:
"__uuid_timestamp", ">=", start_date))
predicates.append((if end_date is not None:
"__uuid_timestamp", "<", end_date))
predicates.append((= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(*predicates))
rec assert len(rec) == expected
#using predicates with string dates
= []
predicates if start_date is not None:
"__uuid_timestamp", ">=", str(start_date)))
predicates.append((if end_date is not None:
"__uuid_timestamp", "<", str(end_date)))
predicates.append((= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(*predicates))
rec assert len(rec) == expected
await search_date(specific_datetime-timedelta(days=7), specific_datetime+timedelta(days=7), 1)
await search_date(specific_datetime-timedelta(days=7), None, 2)
await search_date(None, specific_datetime+timedelta(days=7), 1)
await search_date(specific_datetime-timedelta(days=7), specific_datetime-timedelta(days=2), 0)
#check timedelta handling
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(start_date=specific_datetime, time_delta=timedelta(days=7)))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
#end is exclusive
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(end_date=specific_datetime, time_delta=timedelta(days=7)))
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(end_date=specific_datetime+timedelta(seconds=1), time_delta=timedelta(days=7)))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, query_params=DiskAnnIndexParams(10, 5))
rec assert len(rec) == 2
= await vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, query_params=DiskAnnIndexParams(100))
rec assert len(rec) == 2
await vec.drop_table()
await vec.close()
Sync Client
Sync (service_url:str, table_name:str, num_dimensions:int, distance_type:str='cosine', id_type='UUID', time_partition_interval:Optional[datetime.timedelta]=None, max_db_connections:Optional[int]=None, infer_filters:bool=True, schema_name:Optional[str]=None)
Initializes a sync client for storing vector data.
Type | Default | Details | |
service_url | str | The connection string for the database. | |
table_name | str | The name of the table. | |
num_dimensions | int | The number of dimensions for the embedding vector. | |
distance_type | str | cosine | The distance type for indexing. |
id_type | str | UUID | The type of the primary id column. Can be either ‘UUID’ or ‘TEXT’. |
time_partition_interval | Optional | None | The time interval for partitioning the table (optional). |
max_db_connections | Optional | None | |
infer_filters | bool | True | Whether to infer start and end times from the special __start_date and __end_date filters. |
schema_name | Optional | None | The schema name for the table (optional, uses the database’s default schema if not specified). |
Returns | None |
Sync.create_tables ()
Creates necessary tables.
Sync.upsert (records)
Performs upsert operation for multiple records.
Type | Details | |
records | Records to upsert. | |
Returns | None |
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.14/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fastcore/docscrape.py:230: UserWarning: potentially wrong underline length...
-------- in
Retrieves similar records using a similarity query.
else: warn(msg)
Sync.search (query_embedding:Optional[List[float]]=None, limit:int=10, filter:Union[Dict[str,str],List[Dict[str,str]],NoneType]=Non e, predicates:Optional[__main__.Predicates]=None, uuid_time_filter:Optional[__main__.UUIDTimeRange]=None, query_params:Optional[__main__.QueryParams]=None)
Retrieves similar records using a similarity query.
Type | Default | Details | |
query_embedding | Optional | None | The query embedding vector. |
limit | int | 10 | The number of nearest neighbors to retrieve. |
filter | Union | None | A filter for metadata. Should be specified as a key-value object or a list of key-value objects (where any objects in the list are matched). |
predicates | Optional | None | A Predicates object to filter the results. Predicates support more complex queries than the filter parameter. Predicates can be combined using logical operators (&, |, and ~). |
uuid_time_filter | Optional | None | |
query_params | Optional | None | |
Returns | List: List of similar records. |
Usage Example:
for schema in [None, "tschema"]:
= Sync(service_url, "data_table", 2, schema_name=schema)
vec.create_tables()= vec.table_is_empty()
assert empty
"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])])
vec.upsert([(uuid.uuid4(), {= vec.table_is_empty()
empty assert not empty
vec.upsert(['''{"key":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.3]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key":"val2"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.4]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.5]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.6]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.6]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val2"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.7]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.9]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 100.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 101.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key_1":"val_1", "key_2":"val_2"}''',
(uuid.uuid4(), "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
'''{"key0": [1,2,3,4]}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
(uuid.uuid4(), '''{"key0": [5,6,7], "key3": 3}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.8]),
vec.drop_embedding_index()20, 125))
vec.drop_embedding_index()50, 50, 1.5))
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0])
rec assert len(rec) == 10
= vec.search(np.array([1.0, 2.0]))
rec assert len(rec) == 10
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4)
rec assert len(rec) == 4
= vec.search(limit=4)
rec assert len(rec) == 4
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter={"key2": "val2"})
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter={"key2": "does not exist"})
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= vec.search(limit=4, filter={"key2": "does not exist"})
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter={"key_1": "val_1"})
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], filter={"key_1": "val_1", "key_2": "val_2"})
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter={
rec "key_1": "val_1", "key_2": "val_3"})
assert len(rec) == 0
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[
rec "key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
{assert len(rec) == 2
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key_1": "val_1"}, {
rec "key2": "val2"}, {"no such key": "no such val"}])
assert len(rec) == 2
= False
raised try:
# can't upsert using both keys and dictionaries
await vec.upsert([
"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2]),
(uuid.uuid4(), {'''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])
])except ValueError as e:
= True
raised assert raised
= False
raised try:
# can't upsert using both keys and dictionaries opposite order
await vec.upsert([
'''{"key2":"val"}''', "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2]),
(uuid.uuid4(), "key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])
(uuid.uuid4(), {
])except BaseException as e:
= True
raised assert raised
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], filter={"key_1": "val_1", "key_2": "val_2"})
rec assert rec[0][SEARCH_RESULT_CONTENTS_IDX] == 'the brown fox'
assert rec[0]["contents"] == 'the brown fox'
assert rec[0][SEARCH_RESULT_METADATA_IDX] == {
'key_1': 'val_1', 'key_2': 'val_2'}
assert rec[0]["metadata"] == {
'key_1': 'val_1', 'key_2': 'val_2'}
assert isinstance(rec[0][SEARCH_RESULT_METADATA_IDX], dict)
assert rec[0][SEARCH_RESULT_DISTANCE_IDX] == 0.0009438353921149556
assert rec[0]["distance"] == 0.0009438353921149556
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates("key","==", "val2"))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[
rec "key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
{len(rec) == 2
vec.delete_by_ids([rec[= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[
rec "key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
{assert len(rec) == 1
"key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
vec.delete_by_metadata([{= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[
rec "key_1": "val_1"}, {"key2": "val2"}])
{assert len(rec) == 0
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key2": "val"}])
rec assert len(rec) == 4
"key2": "val"}])
vec.delete_by_metadata([{= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=[{"key2": "val"}])
rec len(rec) == 0
assert not vec.table_is_empty()
vec.delete_all()assert vec.table_is_empty()
= Sync(service_url, "data_table", 2, id_type="TEXT", schema_name=schema)
vec.create_tables()assert vec.table_is_empty()
"Not a valid UUID", {"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])])
vec.upsert([(assert not vec.table_is_empty()
"Not a valid UUID"])
vec.delete_by_ids([assert vec.table_is_empty()
= Sync(service_url, "data_table", 2, time_partition_interval=timedelta(seconds=60), schema_name=schema)
vec.create_tables()assert vec.table_is_empty()
id = uuid.uuid1()
id, {"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])])
vec.upsert([(assert not vec.table_is_empty()
vec.delete_by_ids([assert vec.table_is_empty()
= False
raised try:
# can't upsert with uuid type 4 in time partitioned table
vec.upsert(["key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])
(uuid.uuid4(), {
except BaseException as e:
= True
raised assert raised
= datetime(2018, 8, 10, 15, 30, 0)
vec.upsert([# current time
"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2]),
(uuid.uuid1(), {#time in 2018
"key": "val"}, "the brown fox", [1.0, 1.2])
(uuid_from_time(specific_datetime), {
def search_date(start_date, end_date, expected):
#using uuid_time_filter
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(start_date, end_date))
rec assert len(rec) == expected
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(str(start_date), str(end_date)))
rec assert len(rec) == expected
#using filters
filter = {}
if start_date is not None:
filter["__start_date"] = start_date
if end_date is not None:
filter["__end_date"] = end_date
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=filter)
rec assert len(rec) == expected
#using filters with string dates
filter = {}
if start_date is not None:
filter["__start_date"] = str(start_date)
if end_date is not None:
filter["__end_date"] = str(end_date)
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, filter=filter)
rec assert len(rec) == expected
#using predicates
= []
predicates if start_date is not None:
"__uuid_timestamp", ">=", start_date))
predicates.append((if end_date is not None:
"__uuid_timestamp", "<", end_date))
predicates.append((= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(*predicates))
rec assert len(rec) == expected
#using predicates with string dates
= []
predicates if start_date is not None:
"__uuid_timestamp", ">=", str(start_date)))
predicates.append((if end_date is not None:
"__uuid_timestamp", "<", str(end_date)))
predicates.append((= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, predicates=Predicates(*predicates))
rec assert len(rec) == expected
assert not vec.table_is_empty()
-timedelta(days=7), specific_datetime+timedelta(days=7), 1)
search_date(specific_datetime-timedelta(days=7), None, 2)
search_date(specific_datetimeNone, specific_datetime+timedelta(days=7), 1)
search_date(-timedelta(days=7), specific_datetime-timedelta(days=2), 0)
#check timedelta handling
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(start_date=specific_datetime, time_delta=timedelta(days=7)))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
#end is exclusive
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(end_date=specific_datetime, time_delta=timedelta(days=7)))
rec assert len(rec) == 0
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, uuid_time_filter=UUIDTimeRange(end_date=specific_datetime+timedelta(seconds=1), time_delta=timedelta(days=7)))
rec assert len(rec) == 1
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, query_params=DiskAnnIndexParams(10, 5))
rec assert len(rec) == 2
= vec.search([1.0, 2.0], limit=4, query_params=DiskAnnIndexParams(100, rescore=2))
rec assert len(rec) == 2
vec.drop_table() vec.close()